As promised in my other account, here are some photos from my latest trip, a long weekend in Seattle for the Northwest Passage Relay. This first one is me and my friend R, whom I'd not seen for several years. Each of us moved -- she moved to Texas for grad school, then Europe for work and back the the US for a new job, I moved to CA for work and love -- from our college town in the Midwest but kept in touch online over the years. Touristy stops are not standard fare for my vacations, but Pike Place Market was intriguing for me, as a fan of great food, and it was an easy walk from downtown Seattle. We also stopped to get a drink at the very first Starbuck's, which shares very little appearance and character-wise with the homogenized cafes popping up in strip malls all over America's suburbs; it's little more than a walk in cafe, no tables, no Wi-Fi, no CD's for sale. The PP Starbuck's has scuffed hardwood floors, a retail section with unusual varieties of coffee beans and some Seattle related memorabilia and if I remember correctly all the baristas wore black aprons, which supposedly means a higher level of expertise (or something like that).
There's so much to do in Seattle that four days wasn't nearly long enough. And that doesn't include all the activities to try along Puget Sound and outside the city -- I'm already looking forward to going back. And because I'm also falling asleep, I'll have to add more posts and phots later.....